Success stories
Everyone loves positive outcomes

Saving lives by helping anyone get ‘CPR friendly’ in minutes, and inspiring people to create heart smart communities, starting in their own backyard.
‘CPR friendly’ Australians each year
Defibrillators into the community each year
• Save 2,250 more lives each year
• That’s 6 lives a day
• Or a life of a loved one every 4 hours
Ian Hutchinson (‘Hutch’) regarded himself as a fit and healthy 50 something. He walked the dog each morning and went on bike rides or to the gym most days. He’d never smoked and rarely drank alcohol.
In September 2018, while bike riding with his mate Don MacKee, he had a sudden cardiac arrest. Thanks to some quick thinking by Don and some good samaritan CPR bystanders, 000 was called, CPR commenced and Hutch became one of the lucky 9% to survive an out-of-hospital sudden cardiac arrest.
As a result, Don & Hutch founded in memory of, and on behalf of, the 91% less fortunate that don’t survive. To help turn the statistics around, Don & Hutch, through, are on a quest to raise awareness of CPR and public access defibrillators with the mission of helping save more lives – starting in our own backyard.
In 2019, Hutch received, on behalf of’s work to date, the NSW Premiers Community Service Award and in the same year Don received the NSW Police Merit Award for his life saving efforts.
Having a near death experience was a real wake up call for Don and Hutch who now realise how vital up-to-date CPR training is in saving lives. They got together to host their first CPR Friendly BBQ providing training for 30 family members and friends. Not long after, Hutch organised a similar CPR Friendly Street Party giving his local community the opportunity to enhance their CPR skills in a fun environment while raising funds for their very own street automated external defibrillator (AED). CPR Friendly now helps you host your own CPR event, while Don and Hutch focus on presenting large live and virtual corporate CPR & AED awareness fund raising programs.
“Incidents like mine are unfortunately all too common. We all need friends and family with CPR friendly training and skills. The life you may save with CPR could be that of a loved family member or friend. Having up-to-date CPR skills and access to an automated external defibrillator (AED) could be the difference between life and death.”
— Ian Hutchinson
70% of the population do not know how to provide CPR and this statistic is costing us valuable lives of our loved ones. If everyone was ‘CPR certified,’ more lives would be saved, but certification requires time, money and the inclination to invest half a day to attend training.
Influenced by the Australian Resuscitation Council’s catchphrase ‘Any attempt at resuscitation is better than no attempt.’ CPR friendly is about teaching the basics so you are confident to call 000 and provide CPR while waiting for help to arrive.
With us all spending more time working from home remotely, the chances of an at-home emergency is naturally higher than ever.
The responsibility of us being first on the scene in an emergency for a family member is now greater than ever, with 80% of sudden cardiac arrests occur at home.
That’s why being trained as a first-responder in CPR is now more vital than ever
Only 9% of victims survive. We believe an extra 50,000 CPR friendly people per year, and more Automated External Defibrillator (AED)s in our community, can change this statistic.
Our micro CPR sessions and virtual events are designed to get you CPR friendly quickly and easily. provides access to free checklists and resource kits to help you host and run your own community or workplace event. We also provide ideas and opportunities on how to raise funds to purchase your own automated external defibrillator (AED). Event formats include but are not limited to:
CPR friendly Conference
Street Party
CPR friendly Workplace
CPR friendly Club
We know that small things make a big difference, especially when it comes to knowing the basics of CPR and a life depends on it.
Our CPR friendly small micro trainings give people more knowledge and confidence to make a big difference with the goal of getting an extra 50,000 CPR friendly people and an extra self-funded 2,000 Automated External Defibrillators (AED) into the community each year.
Everyone loves positive outcomes
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