Creating meaningful connections
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Virtually life & death
Sure the world has changed, but it certainly hasn’t stopped. In these unparalleled times, to be in the best position to flourish moving forward, it’s critical to adapt and harness virtual modes of engaging and connecting your people - or risk going backwards.
Sure, face-to-face conferences and events have traditionally been excellent ways of engaging, educating and creating connection.
But with COVID-19 likely to be with us for longer than first anticipated (possibly years) it is even more important than ever for isolated and remote workforces to be even more engaged, educated and connected or risk grinding to a standstill.
Staying united
Adapting to these new times of working virtually is about substituting everyday office interactions and connections with engaging digital alternatives.
Luckily we are blessed with constantly evolving advances in virtual platforms that allow us all to adapt and embrace virtual conferences, events and training sessions for the good of all.
We can now do things with this technology that we could never do previously. In fact, technology is re-defining the future of events.
Bringing possibility to life
Workforces and audiences are now more isolated and remote than ever before.
Most people are craving an excuse for some fun, engaging connection where they learn something personally useful.
Enabling connection
With us all spending more time working from home remotely, the chances of an at-home emergency is naturally greater.
Research shows that the chance of being a first-responder for a family member in an emergency situation is greater than 80%.
So why not have us give your people the skills to save a loved one’s life, virtually?
‘Alive’ or Virtual
With over 20 years of award-winning professional speaking, training, entertaining and comedy, combined with ten years’ experience in webinar events and online learning we have the flexibility, depending on your needs, to present in three different presentation formats:
1. Live - Traditional face-to-face conference
2. Live virtual - Zoom style video conference
3. Recorded virtual - On-demand learning
Benefits of virtual events
1. The current healthiest option (during COVID-19)
2. More cost effective (greatly expand your audience without increasing travel, accommodation, venue and catering costs)
3. Exponentially increase audience attendance & reach (removing the need to travel allows remote flexible access anywhere).
4. Better content transference and longevity (flexibility of recording sessions and maximising the ability to review or ‘catch up’ post event)
5. Enhanced access to quality speakers (easier scheduling due to less travel)
6. Greater attendee flexibility (busy schedules will appreciate the flexibility of digital attendance)
7. Enhanced digital monitoring (allows instant feedback and engagement tracking and ease of data gathering and analysis, before, during and post event)
8. Regional and international barriers are effectively eliminated (converting the more attendees and availability of better quality speakers and content)
9. Help save the planet (environmentally friendly benefits due to less travel requirements)
The complete virtual event experience
Tech experience +++
With over ten years’ experience in engaging virtual training, webinars and online learning we can effortlessly ‘plug-in’ remote audiences and leverage the versatility of our technology-equipped virtual studio, we can provide the ultimate flexibility in designing an event that suits your needs, with:
Live streaming
Virtual training
Video conferences
Fast secure internet
IT support
Event hosting
World class MC’s
Let‘s do it for you
Feeling overwhelmed with the new technology?
Want a engaging risk free virtual event?
Want seasoned event experts to pull it all together?
Simply don't know where to start?
That’s the easy part – we can do it all for you…

What organisations say
"Don & Hutch surpassed all expectations by cleverly delivering important CPR education to Roche in a highly memorable, engaging and hilarious manner. Not an easy feat to accomplish – and as such we immediately re-booked them again on the spot for next year!.”
“Your energy and humour were exactly right for our audience - in fact I think you read them like a book! They can be a tough crowd but you had them engaged from the first moment. I've already had lots of requests to bring you in again so I hope you liked us too!”
“Don and Hutch – the perfect fun and interactive pair when it comes to sharing their own life changing story, but with a unique twist. They bring high energy, passion and experience teaching us all things CPR in an interesting and informative way. Ideal for any event or conference.”
Abbott Australasia
What participants say
“Brilliant guys! Thank you! - How refreshing to participate in a well-timed, well-structured, truly practical educational session. And yes, the corny stuff was bearable, too. Love your work!”
“As a registered nurse this was the most fun I’ve ever had doing a CPR session. Absolutely brilliant presentation !”
“Thanks Don & Hutch, your CPR friendly story and presentation was succinct and got the DRSABCD across in a fun manner. So pleased I attended.”
“As a retired paramedic, this was a very friendly & informal CPR session enabling inexperienced people to learn the key points to saving lives. Well done lads!”
Want to create team connection virtually, while learning CPR in a fun engaging way?

Contact. Connect. Collaborate.
Get in touch and we will be happy to talk you through some of the best options for your event.
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