Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) is Australia’s biggest killer and now that we’re all spending more time locally due to the pandemic, the chances of a life-threatening emergency happening in our midst, and us becoming a ‘first-responder’ is higher than ever.
Statistically, 80% of SCAs happen at home and tragically only 9% survive.
So that’s why now, more than ever before, being CPR friendly is such a vital life skill.
Host your own event
Want to create a CPR friendly heart smart community in your local area or workplace? Why not host a CPR friendly event? We are here to help you with live or virtual events.
So whether you are a family, street, local club, school/uni, workplace or conference event organiser we can help anyone get more defibrillator and CPR friendly.
Event hosting kits
We can provide you with quick and easy checklist and resource kits to help you on your way to hosting your very own community or workplace event, live or virtually.
We also have great ideas and opportunities on how to raise funds for getting access to your own local community defibrillator at the best prices in the country.
For further information visit our resources centre or just Contact Us.
CPR friendly Conference
Street Party
CPR friendly Workplace
CPR friendly Club

Contact. Connect. Collaborate.
Write to us at any time and we will be happy to answer all your questions.